Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. (Anna)

We got firefighter hats. (Randy) The end of the day was a little rushed so some kids will bring these home tomorrow.

We did morning meeting and morning buzz. (Emily)

We met firefighters, a police officer, a construction worker, TV reporter, and a doctor. (Zain) Pictures on Twitter/website

Mrs. Hotchkiss called on friend to help with Fundations. (Lexie T.)

We wrote a sentence about teachers. (Lexi B.)

We had to match the right number of spots on a Dalmatian dog with the right number on the firefighter for morning job. (Kate)

We also read a book and watched a short informational video on firefighters! We learned about fire safety today.


Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Student Council sponsored “Mizzou Day” in honor of homecoming.  Kids can wear black and gold!!

Our field trip to Peach Tree Farms is TOMORROW, Oct. 24th!
-We are planning on leaving Mill Creek at 10:30 am, arriving at Peach Tree Farms at 11 am and returning to school around 1:30 pm.
-Please send your child in jeans, tennis shoes, and a jacket. Keep in mind that we will be walking in the fields and your child needs to wear shoes that can get muddy!
-If you are sending your child’s lunch please send it in a plastic or paper bag LABELED WITH THEIR NAME. Everything needs to be disposable.  No lunch boxes/bags.
-For those that asked for a sack lunch, I will have those ready that morning!   

Kids who have orders a school sack lunch…
Brock  + 1 Adult sack

Field Trip Volunteers: Parent of…
Please meet us there at 11 am!!! If you would still like to come please let me know ASAP! There is still time! If you are not able to come and I have your name down, please let me know that as well! Parents must pay a $4 entry fee into the pumpkin patch. Please bring this money with you tomorrow if you have not already paid.
Field Trip Volunteers: If you signed up to be a parent volunteer for the field trip tomorrow please bring a blanket for the kids to eat on during our lunch picnic if you can! Due to supervision and safety of the Kindergarteners, siblings are NOT allowed on the trip
Due to limited space on the buses parents will need to drive their own vehicles (or carpool). Parents will be responsible for supervising small groups of children and helping to keep “law and order”.  All children will ride the bus to be considered “present” at school.

October 31st is our fall celebration with books! I would love to have some parent guest readers come in on this day! This could be a favorite book from home or one available from our classroom library. If you are available and would like to read to our class on this day, please fill out the following survey! Please have this filled out by this Friday, October 24th at the very latest so I can plan accordingly! I will contact parent readers early next week with more details on the event!
