Friday, October 31, 2014

Hi Parents! Happy Halloween!

Here is what we did today!

We got to have parents come read to our class. (Kate)

We had a special snack. It was marshmallow ghost and pumpkin with pudding! (Zain)

We did math. We counted how many candy corns and saw which one had the most. (Lexi B.)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp. We have been in school for 50 days. (Blair and Crimson)

We had our 3rd grade buddies come and read to us. (Emily)  We partnered up with Ms. Lang’s 3rd grade class!

We got to wear costumes to school. (Livi)

We had an assembly. He was a storyteller. (Cordae)

We did music. (Adeline)

We played outside. (Lexie T.)

Thank you to all of our parent readers and math helpers! The kids LOVED it! Such a fun day in Kindergarten! Check out all the pictures on my website/Twitter.

Have a great night!!