Friday, February 7, 2020

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We ate a 100-piece snack! (Caleb)

We read the book Jake’s 100th Day of School. He forgot his 100th day collection at home. He made a collection of 100 books at school. (Avie)

We did 100 exercises like pushups and jumping jacks. (Leo)

At play time there were a lot of choices. We could make a 100 fruit loop necklaces or we could stack 100 cups or we could do regular play. (Presley)

We made 100 day glasses. (Jackson)

We had art. We got to make face. (George)

We got to dress like we are 100 years old! (Ellen)

We shared our 100th day collections. (Zellie)

Jackson was the teacher assistant. (Ariel)

We did Zero the Hero Stomp. (Liam)

It was the 100th day of school. (Leo)

Such a fun day! Check out the pictures on Class Dojo! In the folder you will find lots of optional homework activities! These do not need to be returned to school. Thanks!! Have a wonderful weekend!