Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Makerspace. We did a challenge with Legos. We had to build the right pieces with the right sizes. (Leo)
We did art. (Ariel)
For project we made American flags. They were big! (George)
We did the weather. It was 29 degrees this morning. (Cora)
We did the toy party! (Jackson)
We had some extra playtime. (Presley)
We wrote about the American flag. We cut it out and made our books. (Ellen)
We did the calendar. (Caleb)
We did the Cougar of the Month at the assembly. It was Leo. (Liam)
Lux was the teacher assistant. (Phoebe)
We read a book about the American flag. (Leo)
We did a brain break. (Avie)
We did play time instead of math workstations. (Jesse)

Here is yesterday’s closing meeting notes!
We went to third grade buddies. – Jackson
We went to music. – Evie
We learned about American symbols and we learned about the bald eagle. – George
We did Daily 5. – Ariel
We did calendar. – Caleb
We did our schedule. – Avie
We did closing meeting. – Sarah
We did Fundations. – Olivia
We did math workstations. – Phoebe
We have 110 days in school. – Leo
Today we read Sweet Land of Liberty. – Ellen
We did the second page of our American symbols book. – Liam

Your student is bringing home 2-3 book box books to read at home to you this weekend! We are starting with paper books! There is also a word solving bookmark in there for reminders! Please return books and bookmark in the bag on Monday! We will try and do this every weekend! Kids will only come home with new books if the bag is returned! They are very excited to read these books to you!

Have a wonderful weekend! No school tomorrow!