Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We started our kindness books. (Caleb and Jesse)

We did project. We made a heart. We had to rip paper so we could glue it on. (George)

We had an early lunch. (Avie)

We read The Valentine Bears. In the book one of the bears set up a special surprise for the husband. He was so sleepy that Mrs. Bear couldn’t get him to wake up. She tried to pour water on him. (Leo and Cora)

We did quick eyes and on our boards we wrote the number that we saw. (Evie)

We did Daily 5. (Jackson)

We talked about the schedule. (Ellen)

We did the digraph “th”. (Leo)

We did morning meeting. (Avie)

It was 35 degrees this morning. (Leo)

If school is cancelled tomorrow then the Valentine’s party will be rescheduled to Tuesday. Hopefully we will be here tomorrow! Please make sure your student brings in their Valentine’s cards to pass out tomorrow morning!

Have a great night!