Monday, November 25, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math workstations. (Leo)

We did closing meeting. (George)

We had writing. We had Monday News. We wrote about what we did over the weekend. (Logan)

At Fundations, we played Bingo using letter sounds. (Caleb)

We had art. We traced the pattern blocks. We made it into an imaginary animal. (Presley and Sophie)

Today we did the weather. (Avie)

We made wreaths. We wrote things we are thankful for. (Jackson)

We had Daily 5. (Evie)

We ate snack and did math workstations. (Cora)

In math we drew things to show the number that Mrs. Hotchkiss gave us. (Phoebe)

Mrs. Hotchkiss read Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. (Ellen)

We had word games. (Logan)

Today Leo was the teacher assistant. (Jesse)

We did the calendar. (Presley)

Our healthy food feast is tomorrow! You do not need to pack a snack for your child. If you signed up to bring an item, please send this in tomorrow morning. Thank you!! Here is the link! 

Have a great night!