Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the calendar. (Leo)

We did closing meeting. (George)

We tried sweet peppers. If we ate the whole thing we got a point! (Cora)

We read a giant book called Eat Your Vegetables. (Caleb)

Mrs. Baker came and she read a book. We made little people that were different than us. (Jackson)

We had counselor. (Presley)

We learned about the vegetables group. For writing we wrote about vegetables in our Good Foods Book. We drew our favorite vegetables. (Phoebe, Sophie, Logan, and Presley)

We had word games. We did a game where Mrs. Hotchkiss changed the beginning sound but the ending stayed the same. (Avie)

We went to our math workstation. For math we measured stuff that was longer and shorter than a marker. (Cora)

We had P.E. (Evie)

We had blacktop recess at lunch recess. (Sarah)

Have a great night!!