Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the calendar. (Olivia)

We did the schedule. We skipped some things. We had lunch first. (Logan)

We did the lunch choices. (Leo)

We are doing closing meeting right now. (Lux)

We had art. In art we painted with water colors and dotted with water colors. (Jackson)

In math we did 7 and 8. (Caleb)

We did Fundations. We did y and x. We wrote them on the whiteboards. (Presley and Zellie)

We did writing. We did the word “like”. (Cora and Sarah)

Today was the 58th day of school. There are 2 more days until 60. (George)

Today Presley was the teacher assistant. (Evie)

Today the temperature was 17 degrees and it was in the purple on the thermometer. It was the coldest morning we have had! (Phoebe)

We did math workstations. (Leo)

We had snack. (Sarah)

We did inside recess. (Ellen)