Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had art. We made a portrait of us. (Evalynn)

We did math. Mrs. Hotchkiss told a story about being tall enough to ride a ride. We used our body strings and post it notes. We had to be 12 post it notes to ride the ride and we had to figure out if we would be tall enough. (Aster)

For project we sorted foods that are good and bad for our teeth. We learned about healthy teeth. (Caroline)

We had counselor. She talked about the touching rule. No one can touch your private parts unless they are keeping you healthy. (James and Caroline) A note from the counselors is coming home today! Please look over this and continue this conversation at home! 

We did Fundations. We did V, W, and X. (Abby)

We did read aloud. We read Tooth Trouble. (Adalynn)

We did word families. We did word games. (Maya and Parker)

We did a GoNoodle. (Will C.)

Have a great night!