Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did our poem. It was called Snow. Our word of the week is “on”. (Maya)

We went to P.E. We played a game in P.E. You had to toss a ball in the cones or the hula hoops. If you made it, you got a straw. (Grayson and Caroline)

After snack, we are going to make snowflakes! (Hayden and Rylan)

We had inside recess. (Evalynn)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp. We reached a group of ten. (Azayla) Today was the 90th day of school! The 100th day of school will be on Wednesday, January 30th now!

We did points. (James)

Aiden was the teacher assistant. (Aster)

We read a book about blizzards. The book was non-fiction. (Abby)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We sang the song Pizza Hut. (Maya) This is a silly song by Dr. Jean! Super cute!

Cocoa Night! We will have an Open House on Thursday, January 24th from 4:30-6 pm. This is a time for your student to show you around the room and play some math games with you! Feel free to pop in any time in the time frame and stay as long or as little as you would like. This is a very relaxed event! Hot cocoa will be served!

Due to a problem with the calendar the following change has been mandated by the district’s central office: 
The day following Martin Luther King Jr day, January 23, will be a C day. Friday, January 18, is an A day. So essentially, we will be skipping over B. This will help re-align the calendars between secondary and elementary with the least amount of impact on teachers and student learning.

Have a great night!