Friday, March 9, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did library. We played on the computers. (Madelynn)

We did math. We played Counters in a Cup. There are 10 cubes and your partner has to guess how many there are inside of the cup. They can see how many are outside the cup. (Russell)

We read our poem. We put it in our poetry folders. (Britt)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Xander)

We did read aloud. We read Tasting Things. We tasted different foods. Pretzels were salty. We also tried dark chocolate that was bitter. We tried jelly beans and lemon. The lemon was sour and jelly beans were sweet. (Brooklynn and Isaac)

We did Daily 5. It was short. (Blake)

We did Fundations. Erin brought some ABeeC card. We tapped out the words. We did capital J. (Emma)

We did writing. We wrote rough draft of what we want to be when we grow up. We are going to put it into a book! (Dempsey) We are going to turn these stories into a published book through a company called Student Treasures! Here is a little video about the publishing process!

Student Treasures order forms are coming home today! These are due next Friday, March 16th! Please return this form if you are ordering or not!! If every family returns this form then we get a free class book!!

Our class earned 100 Cougar Compliments for good behavior!! To celebrate we will be having a popcorn and movie day next Friday! If you have a G rated movie you would like to let us borrow, please reply to this email!

Here are the closing meeting notes from yesterday with Mrs. Littiken
March 8, 2018

Today we did Math.  We played Disappearing Train and had to take away 1 or 2 or 3 cubes.  (Russell)

Today we did Writing.  We wrote three reasons of why we want a certain job.  (Madelynn)

We did Read-aloud.  We read about our 5 Senses.  (Brooklynn)

Today we had Art.  We drew pictures.  (Xander)

Today we did Daily 5.  (Emma)

Today we had Counseling.  We talked about not bullying.  (Isaac)

Today we had a closing meeting and snack.  (Britt)

Have a great weekend!