Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did P.E. In P.E. we played a game. You try and knock over other people’s pins. We went to our stretching spots. (Ismael and Dempsey)

We did counselor. We read a book about things we could be when we grow up. We played a game on the Smartboard. You had to pick a card and you guessed what the job was. (Isaac and Carmel Grace)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. We had my birthday snack. (Xander)

We did Daily 5. Mrs. Hotchkiss did reading groups. (Blake and Britt)

We did read aloud. We read a True of False book about storms. Mrs. Hotchkiss read it. (Joshua)

We did math. We played Roll and Color. We have a partner and 2 dice. Whatever number you get in all you color it. (Brooklynn)

We did Fundations. We wrote R and Q in our Fundations notebooks. We did the big cards, the vowel chart, and we played a game on the Smartboard. We tapped bossy R words. It was -ar, -ir, and -ur. (Maclyn)

Have a great night!