Friday, March 2, 2018

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had a bunch of guest readers today. Today is Dr. Seuss day and we got to wear our PJ’s and bring our stuffed animals. (Maclyn)

We did math. We measured us. We used strings. We used post-it notes. We looked to see how many post-it notes it took to be the same as our string. We wrote on the paper how many post-it notes tall we were. If you were under 12 post-it notes tall you couldn’t ride the (imaginary) ride but if you were 12 or taller you could. (Brooklynn, Ismael, and Dempsey)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. We had a guest reader at snack. It was Brooklynn’s mom. (Britt)

We did a Dr. Seuss paper. (Isaac)

My mommy read to us! She read A Great Day For Up and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. (Erin)

It’s Ben’s birthday and Dr. Seuss’ birthday! (Carmel Grace)

We practiced rhyming words and made up words. We had a great day. (Joshua)

Addison and Mr. Hotchkiss and Mr. Hotchkiss’ dad came to read to us! (Wilson)

I put lots of fun (optional) homework in the folder today! We ran out of time to pack up reading bags at the end of the day today. These will come home again next week!

Social Growth and Work Habits reports are coming home today. Please initial and return these on Monday.

Have a great weekend!