Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We played a game. There were these number cards and we pick one up and the number you pick up you play the instrument that many times. (Madelynn)

We did writing. We made love notes that we are going to give. (Britt and Joshua)

We did math. We did combinations of 10. (Russell)

Mrs. Cardetti came. We made books. We made illustrations. (Emma and Dempsey)

We did Fundations. We did our last diagraph. It was ck. (Isaac)

We did read aloud. It was The Valentine’s Bears. (Maclyn)

We did lunch. (Brooklynn and Dempsey)

In the folder you will find some extra worksheets/activities your student is welcome to do at home. These are optional and do not need to be returned.

Please make sure reading bags and books are returned on Tuesday! There is a brand new Valentine’s book in the bag that has never been read. This is a great book for practicing word decoding strategies!

Here is the link to our class doing the KOMU Daily Pledge on Saturday. This was filmed near the beginning of the school year. They all look so young!

Remember no school tomorrow or Monday!

The conference schedule for tonight is attached if you need it! If you can please make sure to be here at least 5 minutes early to help me start and end on time. Fifteen minutes goes by very quickly and there are a lot of back to back conferences tonight.

Thanks! Have a great weekend!