Thursday, February 22, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We celebrated Russell’s birthday. (Britt)

We did P.E. We built a castle out of hula hoops. We had to throw balls at the other team. We were trying to knock it down. (Ismael)

We made our own lanterns for Chinese New Year. (Isaac)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Xander)

We celebrated Chinese New Year. They celebrate for 15 days. The lucky color is red. (Emma)

We ate dumplings and we made paper lanterns that were red. (Maclyn)

Mrs. Baker our counselor came. She talked about the no touch rule. No one can touch anywhere your swimsuit covers unless they are trying to keep you healthy. Her puppy puppet told us a story. We had a fun time with Mrs. Baker. (Dempsey) There is a letter in your child’s folder explaining this lesson!

Looking forward to a full day of school tomorrow! 😊

Have a great night!