Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. Ms. Rodriquez read us The Snowy Day. We got to learn a lot of songs. We got to play with feathers. We had feather challenges. (Ismael)

We did math. We tried to figure out a story problem that Mrs. Hotchkiss told us. (Emma)

We read a book about Martin Luther King Jr. (Isaac)

We did Fundations. We wrote the letters x and y. (Maclyn)

We did writing. We did our next page of our The Snowy Day book. (Britt)

We did lunch. (Dempsey)

We watched a video about Martin Luther King. Jr. (Brooklynn)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Ismael)

The 100th Day of School is quickly approaching!  Currently, the 100th Day of School is scheduled for Monday, January 29th (unless we have any snow days between now and then). Our class is planning a celebration for the 100th Day of School in which all learning activities will be centered around the number 100. 

As a part of our day, our class will be creating a “100th Day Museum.” Please have your child bring a collection of 100 things to school on Monday, January 29th .  The collection needs to be small enough for your child to carry to school.  Some examples might include 100 paperclips, cotton balls, pennies, cereal pieces, ribbons, beads, toothpicks, pencils, playing cards, etc.  Let your child use his/her imagination to come up with a unique, one of a kind collection. 

Our class will be displaying their collections on the 100th Day of School during math.           

In addition, on the 100th Day of School each student will create his/her own special snack of with 100 pieces of food (like a trail mix).  For this special snack, we would like to ask for  donations.  Please sign up using this link: Please send in your snack donations by January 22nd, so we can ensure we have enough snack for each student.  Each student will get 10 pieces of 10 snack foods for their trail mix.  Please make sure that your snack donation is enough for 20 students. Thank you if you have already signed up!

Thank you for your help!