Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did writing. We worked on our How To books. We made a list of things we need. (Eshan and Brynn)

We had a special project in the hallway. They were rainbow paper chains. They are hanging up in the hallway now. (Elizabeth)

We did math. We played Double Compare. It was harder today because the cards were bigger numbers. (Yahna)

Today we got to dress up as what we want to be when we grow up. Tomorrow is PJ day and you can bring a stuffed animal. (Sophia and Maggie)

We had Daily 5. We had 2 choices. (Anders)

We had P.E. We played Hot Foot and we stretched. We played Cone Basketball. You try to knock the balls off the cones. (Pricila and Anders)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp. We have been in school 130 days. (Sophia)

We had our poem called My Body. Our word for the week is “yes”. (Abigail)

We did a book that talked about our bodies. The book was called Skeletons and Muscles. (Bennett and Addison)

We had closing meeting and snack. (Addison and Nick)

We had lunch and recess. (Mila)