Monday, March 20, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. We got a book and played on the computers. (Serenity)

We celebrated my birthday at school. (Eshan)

For snack, Eshan brought cinnamon rolls. (Nick)

We did Fundations. We wrote W and X in our Fundations notebook. We did small cards and big cards. We wrote W and X on the Smartboard. We did the vowel chart. (Yahna)

We did read aloud. It was called My Body. It told us about our bones and our insides and all about our bodies. (Sophia)

We had snack and closing meeting with Eshan’s birthday snack. (Maggie)

We had math. We played Double Compare. The challenge today was to say the addition number sentence. Both kids flip over 2 cards and it has dots. Whoever has the most takes all of the cards and puts it at the bottom of their deck. (Kiernan)

We did writing. We did our Monday News. (Sophia)

Tomorrow is dress like your future career day! I am excited to see what the kids choose to wear!

Have a great night!