Friday, January 22, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the last page of our Snowy Day book. (Layla)

We did our assembly about science. There were trash cans with fog inside of them. It knocked over the stack of cups. It was cool! The rag caught on fire. The science guy ate goo and the goo came out of his ear. They had an electricity ball. Students came up to help. (Andrew, Evan, Sylus, and Connor)

It was Dylan’s birthday and we ate his special snack and we sang happy birthday to him! (Sophia)

We read a book about Ruby Bridges. White kids and black kids had to go to different schools. She prayed for the people. (Ginger)

We did math. We played Total of 10. We had 4 rows of 5 cards. We had to find 2 cards that made 10 in all. We have to fill in the missing spaces. (Kate)

There is a February book order coming home today! Visit to order online!

Have a great weekend!