Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

At 5 pm we are going to have cocoa night. We get to teach math games to our parents. We can show a new game and a math workstation. (Ginger) I hope you can make it! Feel free to pop in anytime between 5-6:30 pm tonight!

After music we played a math game called Double Compare. We flipped over 2 cards and we had to see how many there were in all. (Kate)

We did writing time. We worked on our Snowy Day book. The page we did was the page where he slide down a hill. (Andrew)

Mrs. Hotchkiss is back from her trip! Our substitute was Mrs. Cockrell. (Sophia)

We did Fundations. We practiced writing capital A and B. (Logan)

We did snack. We watched a book on the SmartBoard about Martin Luther King Jr. It was called Martin’s Big Words. It was fun! (James)

Today we went to music. (Max)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp because today is the 90th day of school. (Malai) The 100th day of school will be Thursday, February 4th! Your child will bring their 100th day collection on this day! I will send home another note about this soon.

We did Daily 5. (Dylan)

Our class earned another set of 100 Cougar Compliments! To celebrate, the class voted to have a “Bring Your Favorite Toy to School” party! We will be doing this on Wednesday, January 27th! This is an early release day (dismissal at 12:50 pm). Each student is allowed to bring one small toy to school this day. This could be a small bag of legos or blocks, an action figure, a doll, stuffed animal, toy car, etc. No toy weapons please! Students are allowed to bring an electronic toy (such as a DS or small tablet) as long as the sound can be turned off. Please make sure it is fully charged or has new batteries. Please do not send valuable electronic toys because these toys will be unsupervised at times (recess, specials, etc.) Students will have the opportunity to play with these items at specific points in the school day. They will only be allowed to play with the toy in the classroom setting (not bus line, etc.) Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great night!