Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We tested things to see what was heavier and what was lighter. We colored pictures blue if we thought it was heavier and yellow if we thought it was lighter. (Kate)

It was the 86th day of Kindergarten. (Connor)

We did snack. Mrs. Hotchkiss read us another book about Peter. He had a dog named Willie. (Layla)

We had counselor. We talked about our brains. We have to try hard things and make mistakes. That’s how our brain gets bigger. (Andrew)

For writing we got to write in our Peter book. We are on the second page. He hit a tree with a stick. (Sophia)

We did Daily 5. (Dylan)

Miss Tappana sent home an introduction letter today in your child’s folder! Please send back the student interest survey and the permission slip as soon as you can! These will be due Tuesday, January 19th!

I will have a sub on Friday the 15th and Tuesday the 19th. If there are any changes in transportation for those days  please let me know today or tomorrow.  If there are any changes the day of please make sure to call the office and they will let the sub know.