Friday, January 10, 2020

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Leo was the teacher assistant. (Sophie)

We did counselor. We talked about that we would be ok if things don’t go our way. She read a book. (Cora)

We wrote the last page in our reindeer book. (Jackson)

We did Fundations. We wrote I and J. (Leo)

We are doing closing meeting. (Sarah)

We did math. We played Quick Eyes. We played a fun game called 10 frame Match It. (Presley)

We had media. We went to cup stacking on the computers. (Caleb and George)

We did math workstations. (Olivia)

We did morning meeting. (Phoebe)

We did library checkout. (Ellen and Liam)

We did the schedule. Today is 1-10-20. (Leo and Avie)

We did the whiteboards this morning. Mrs. Hotchkiss told us a number story. (Cora)

Today is the 85th day of school. (Leo)

There is a LOT of important information in the folder today! There is 100th day of school info, a Tiger Bounce field trip permission form (everyone must return the waiver even if your child has been before), and lots of possible clubs to sign up for. Just a bit of advice on the clubs…they fill up very quickly! Get signed up right away if your child is interested (especially for Lego club)!! You will also find some optional homework. This does not need to be returned to school.