Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hi Parents,

Here is what we did today!

We went to music. (Sarah)

We went outside for recess. (Leo)

We went to lunch. (Evie)

We did my Me Bag. (Jackson)

We did Jackson’s name page. (Caleb)

We read How Full is Your Bucket. (Ellen)

We had snack. (Presley)

We did Jackson’s name poster. (Logan)

We talked about bucket fillers. (Sophie)

We practiced our letters with Echo the Owl. (Phoebe)

Mrs. Baker came and we brought her toy dog. He danced. (Avie)

We did a brain break. (Sarah)

We measured. (Jesse) Today in math we talked about length! We talked about how we know if something is the same length, shorter, or longer.

We did math workstations. (Cora)

If you plan on submitting a book order please do so tonight or early tomorrow! I will submit the order tomorrow at 1 pm! Here is the link if needed. Thanks!!

Have a great night!