Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did morning buzz. (Jesse)

We had playtime in the morning. (Sarah)

We played with friends. (Leo)

We did Evie’s Me Bag. (Presley)

We made Time for School books. We colored and read them. (Jackson and Liam)

We went outside. (Sophie)

We ate lunch. (Caleb)

We read Huggapotamus. We did the moves that went with the words. (Cora) We worked on vocabulary words, discussed problem/solution, characters, and connections to the book.

We learned how to log into a computer. (Phoebe)

We went to the library. (Avie)

We had closing meeting. (Evie)

We wrote the letters b and f on our boards. (George)

We named the characters in the book Huggapotamus. (Zellie)

We wrote Evie’s name on the white boards. (Logan)

For math we did math stations and pattern block puzzles. (Sarah)

We did calendar. (Avie)

Tomorrow I will be leaving at 2:30 pm for a doctor’s appointment. Mrs. Wilson will be subbing at the end of the day for me. Please let me know of any transportation changes early on in the day. Closing meeting notes will not be sent home tomorrow because of this. Thank you for understanding!

When the kids earn 10 Class Dojo points, they have the choice of picking from my prize basket! If you ever have small toys (like Happy Meal size) or kids items that you think would work well in a prize basket, please donate them my way! Thank you!

Have a great night!