Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had inside recess. (Azayla)

We made a Gingerbread Kid and he escaped!! (Will M) Make sure to check Dojo for all the pictures and videos!

We read the book The Gingerbread Baby. (Evalynn)

We are having snack. We got gingersnap cookies. (James)

We did music. (Maya)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We are going to make traps for the Gingerbread Kid. (Abby)

We made a little Gingerbread ornament. You scrape it to make a rainbow color design. We will put it on our Christmas tree. (Aster)

We tried to catch the Gingerbread Kid but we couldn’t catch it! (Hayden)

We did our poem called “He Ran Away”. (Rylan)

We did Fundations. (Azayla)

We will continue to search for our Gingerbread Kid tomorrow!! It is all very exciting! 😉

Thank you for signing up to bring in holiday items for our activities and projects! Our list is full! You all rock!

We are going to be learning about the holiday traditions of families in our class!  Take a moment to talk with your child about the holidays you celebrate and the traditions your family has each year.  We'd love to hear what special traditions your family has at this time of year!  With your child, send our class an e-mail about the things your family does each year.  We will use these e-mails to spark conversations about different holiday customs our families have.  It would also be wonderful if you include a picture or two! Please send this email by Monday. December 17th!

Thanks! Have a great night!