Monday, December 3, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to art. We made bugs. (James)

We read the Gingerbread Man. (Abby) To talked about what makes a book a fairy tale and what types of items we might find within a fairy tale! This would be a great conversation to continue at home!

We did math workstations. (Azayla)

We learned j and p. (Will C.)

We did a mystery cookie game. (Maya)

We did math. We played Racing Bears. (Aster)

We did writing. We did Monday News. (Hayden)

We did poem. The word of the week is “he”. (Evalynn)

We did Daily 5. (Will M.)

We did morning meeting. (Kent)

We ate snack. (Caroline)

This week is all about the Gingerbread Man! On Thursday, we will make a large gingerbread cookie as a class and Mrs. Gail will cook him for us! Hopefully he won’t pop out of the oven and run away this year… 😉

If anyone would like to donate premade gingerbread dough (tube or precut cookies is fine) or items to decorate (gum drops, twizzlers, raisins, squeeze icing, etc.) please add your name to the Google Doc sign up here!

Thank you!!