Thursday, December 14, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We made a Gingerbread Man but he ran away! We are going to make a plan to catch him! (Ismael and Dempsey) Make sure to check Class Dojo for fun pictures and videos!

We did whiteboards. We wrote the date. (Blake)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Xander)

We did library. (Russell)

We are still working on our surprise for you guys! (Brooklynn)

We did counselor. We talked about how when we are mad we can count to 5 or we can take a deep breath or have a hug or take a drink or take a break. (Maclyn)

Mrs. Hotchkiss read The Gingerbread Baby. (Joshua)

We checked out books and played on the computers at library. (Carmel Grace)

We did the poem. It was called He Ran Away. (Britt and Isaac)

We did Fundations. We did the letter k. (Russell)

We played a game called You Can’t Catch Me. (Ismael)

Have a great night! I am sure your child will be very excited to tell you all about the Gingerbread Man!! 😉