Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We played a color game. (Isaac)

We doing closing meeting and snack. (Xander)

Mrs. Zapata came today. We taught us about the grains. The snack was cereal. Mrs. Zapata read us The Little Red Hen. (Russell and Joshua)

We did the calendar. (Sky and Carmel Grace)

We did Fundations. We did magnet boards. (Carmel Grace)

We did the weather. (Britt and Madelynn)

We did whiteboards. We wrote the date. We wrote our number of points. (Blake)

We did the Good Food book. We talked about protein. Chicken nuggets have protein! (Brooklynn)

Tomorrow we are going to have a feast! (Dempsey)

We did our poem. (Ismael)

We put our number books together. (Emma)

We did the schedule. (Wilson)

We did math workstations. (AJ)

The sign up list for the healthy food feast is now full! Thank you so much! Please send in these items tomorrow.

Each class has been given a collection jar for the All for Books coin drive challenge.  Please bring in your spare change this week to fill up your jar!  Donations will go towards the purchase of books for City of Refuge, a local Columbia charity.  The class with the most money donated wins a FREE PIZZA PARTY!!

Our class will be on the KOMU Daily Pledge on Saturday, February 10th! Mark your calendars!