Monday, November 20, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did P.E. We played a bowling bingo game. (Isaac)

We did math. We warmed up with some Quick Eyes and then we lined up and made a number line. We used people to make the numbers in order. (Maclyn and Brooklynn)

We did closing meeting and snack. (Dempsey and Xander)

We did the weather. (Britt)

We did writing. We wrote about our weekend. (Madelynn)

My brother and his friends came to read to us. They read Turkey Trouble. (Brooklynn and Dempsey)

My (Maclyn’s) sister and her friend came! She read to us. They read a Thanksgiving book. (Maclyn and Carmel Grace)

We did morning buzz. We talked about what we did over the weekend and what we are going to do for Thanksgiving. (Blake)

We did Fundations. We got our whiteboards out and we practiced the letters we have already done. (Audylynn and Maclyn)

We did our poem. It was called I am Thankful. (Wilson)

Mrs. Hotchkiss read Bear Says Thanks. (Emma)

We did a paper book called Thanksgiving Dinner. We got to put it in our book boxes. (Emma)

We did the schedule. (Wilson)

Tomorrow is the jammie party! (AJ) Your child can bring a small stuffed animal tomorrow as well! Please make sure they are still wearing athletic shoes for recess (no slippers please)!

We did Daily 5. (Carmel Grace)

We did writing. We wrote about what we did over the weekend. (Brooklynn)

We did calendar. (Sky)

NO school Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving break!

Have a great night!