Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Our chick expert came! She showed us pictures of the chickens at her house. She told us about chicks. We asked her questions. She answered them. She taught us how to hold the chicks. We keep them close to the ground just in case they fall. We got to hold them. (Yahna and Elizabeth)

When we were done holding the chicks we went to art and we said goodbye to the chicks. Ms. Cramer our chick expert took them with her. (Eshan)

We had lunch and recess. It was rainbow day in the lunch room. They gave us stickers (Kayleigh and Abigail)

We had writing. We wrote in our chick hatching journals. Mrs. Hotchkiss called 3 friends at a time to hold the chicks. (Brendan)

We did math. We played How Many More to Make 10. I was Mrs. Hotchkiss’ partner to play the game. (Bennett)

We did our poem. It was called I’m a Little Chicken. Some people got to help point to the words on the Smartboard. Tomorrow we are going to put it in our poetry folder. (Sophia)

We had morning meeting. We got to do white boards. Mrs. Hotchkiss let us have a little bit of doodle time before we did our morning sentence. Our sentence was “We get to hold our baby chicks.” We also did the pledge of allegiance, lunch choices, and got ready for math. (Nick)

We did calendar. (Maggie)

We did a project. It was a chick life cycle. (Landon)

Tomorrow is our toy party. (Anders)

We had art. We got to bring home our dinosaur picture. (Evie)

Sorry for the confusion with Rainbow Colors day! Apparently it was Rainbow Colors day in the cafeteria but Kindergarten is wearing red tomorrow.

We need supplies donated for our Kindergarten musical on May 12th! Please use this link and send in items by Monday, May 1st! Looks like we just need one more gift card!

Tomorrow we will be celebrating 100 Cougar Compliments by having another favorite toy/electronic party! Each student is allowed to bring one small toy to school this day. This could be a small bag of legos or blocks, an action figure, a doll, stuffed animal, toy car, etc. No toy weapons please! Students are allowed to bring an electronic toy (such as a DS or small tablet) as long as the sound can be turned off or headphones can be plugged in. Please make sure it is fully charged or has new batteries. Please do not send valuable electronic toys because these toys will be unsupervised at times (recess, specials, etc.) Students will have the opportunity to play with these items at specific points in the school day. They will only be allowed to play with the toy in the classroom setting (not bus line, etc.) Please let me know if you have any questions!

On May 12th, we will have a special music program called How Does Your Garden Grow. We are asking that you please send in a t-shirt in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it by TOMORROW! I know this is a fast turnaround. If you do not want to buy one you can send in $5 with a name/size/shirt color needed and a parent will buy one for you. This shirt can be an old shirt turned inside out that you don’t mind getting decorated but it needs to be free of writing or print. Thanks!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Part    Child's Name            Shirt Color   
Gardner         Maggie           Blue   
Gardner         Yahna             Blue   
Gardner         Priscila           Blue   
Gardner         Nick                Blue   
Gardner         Landon          Blue   
Gardner         Bryson           Blue   
Gardner         Elizabeth       Blue   
Gardner         Mila                Blue   
Broccoli (Plant)       Anders           Green
Tomato (Plant)        Kiernan         Red    
Strawberry (Plant)  Addison         Red    
Corn (Plant) Bennet           Green
Flower           Brynn             White
Flower           Abigail           White
Flower           Sophia            White           
Flower           Kayleigh        White
Flower           Madison        White
Scarecrow      Eshan             Plaid  
Scarecrow      Evie                Plaid  
Scarecrow      Serenity         Plaid  
Scarecrow      Andrew          Plaid  
Scarecrow      Brendan        Plaid  

Have a great night! Check out Class DoJo for pics and videos!