Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had P.E. and we played touchdown. (Elizabeth)

We had lunch and recess. (Brendan)

We had math. We played How Many Am I Hiding? I got to show how to play with Mrs. Hotchkiss. (Eshan)

We did our writing. In writing we wrote in our chick journal. We wrote about what is inside an egg. Inside is the yolk and inside the yolk is a tiny red dot. It is the baby chick. We also glued pictures in our journals. (Bennett and Eshan)

We did our poem. It is called The Chick. Tomorrow we are going to highlight word wall words. (Kiernan)

We did Fundations. We did family words. We talked about words that end in –ig. We did our big cards and our vowel chart. (Yahna)

We did read aloud. The book was about chicks. (Maggie)

We did Daily 5. We did 2 different choices than yesterday. (Sophia)

Library books!
I forgot to mention yesterday that they are doing MAP testing in the media center so the kids cannot check out books at their normal time for the next few weeks. They are welcome to stop by the library between 8-8:20 am to check out a book if they would like to before coming to class. Thanks!

Here is the information from our media specialist…
With testing starting on April 17, classes will not be coming to the Media Center for library checkout.  If a student needs a book, he/she must come in before school to get a book during our open check out time from 8:00-8:20 each morning.  It will be important for students to have access to books in your classroom, from home, or the public library to read, as the library will be closed due to testing.  Due to the last day of school on May 25, I wanted to let you know that students need to make sure all library materials are returned by Friday, May 12.  We will be sending notes home with all students after testing begins about overdue materials to try to get them back before the end of this year.

Make sure to send in your recycling pieces by this Friday!! Thanks!

Thanks to a couple fans…we were able to stay pretty cool today! Thank goodness!