Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the 100th day of school! (Landon)

We did everything 100 today! (Elizabeth)

We made glasses that look like 100. (Yahna)

We had a snack with 100 pieces. We put M&M’s, Goldfish, marshmallows, and bunny crackers. (Mila and Serenity)

We wrote about our favorite day from the last 100 days of school. (Nick and Addison)

We did a 100 day museum. She shared our collections. (Maggie)

We had art. We painted our paintings with colors. (Elizabeth)

We read the book Jake’s 100th Day of School. (Sophia)

We had morning meeting, schedule, we did whiteboards, and we did the Zero the Hero Stomp. We did a brain break that we counted to 100! (Sophia)

We did lunch and recess. (Landon)

Such a fun day! Check out the pictures on ClassDojo!

Tomorrow is the 101st day of school! We are celebrating with a 101 Dalmatians day! Encourage your student to wear black, white, and/or polka dots! We will be making puppy ears at school!