Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had Fundations. We wrote the letters K and L. (Mila)

We learned about friendship. (Addison)

We played outside. We did lunch. (Brynn)

We did writing. We finished our friendship book. Some friends got to share their book. (Sophia)

We did Daily 5. We got to do 2 choices. (Landon)

We had morning meeting. We used the whiteboards. We wrote “We have four days of no school.” (Anders)

We did the days in school report. (Brynn)

We did math. We did Counters in a Cup. We had a recording sheet. We wrote the numbers of how many were in the cup and how many were out of the cup. Mrs. Hotchkiss would check and then we could use 6 cubes instead of 5. (Sophia)

We had library. (Pricila)

In the folders you will find the grade cards! Please let me know if you have any questions!

You will also find a plastic bag of 3 reading books! Please have your child read these books to you this weekend! They will bring these books back to school on Monday to put in their book box. We talked about how we are practicing with paper books before we send home school books! Books need to be returned so that new books can come home the following Friday! Thanks!!

Have a great night!