Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had P.E. We worked on gymnastics animal moves. (Bennett)

We did the last page of our fall scrambled sentences. (Elizabeth)

We did days in school. We have been in school 52 days. (Nick)

We did the number 5 for math. We used the Bingo Blotters. (Mila and Yahna)

We did a baby race in P.E. (Kiernan)

We learned some word work games. (Evie)

We read How to Dinosaurs Stay Safe. (Sophia)

We did closing meeting and snack. (Abigail)

We did our safety project. We made signs. (Nick and Brendan)

We had Fundations. We learned about the letter g. (Anders)

Have a great night!!