Friday, November 18, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Mrs. Hotchkiss’s baby, Auggie, came to visit us  (Elizabeth)

We went to Makerspace.  (Sophia)

We learned that we are in Day 62.  (Nick)

We learned about dairy today.  (Evie)

We got magnet boards and wrote letters (Yahna)

We played the math game, Compare. (Kiernan) Today we practiced Less Than

We did Daily 5. (Sophia)

We had Art class today. (Sophia)

We had lunch. (Mila)

We also added another poem to our poetry folders and highlighted the word “go” on the poem!

Our healthy food feast is next Tuesday! Here is the link if you signed up to help! Thank you!!

Have a great weekend!