Monday, August 31, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We got to paint with light in art. (Andrew)

We went to art class. (Sylus)

We made rectangles into something different. (Connor and Mikayla) We started our math unit on shapes! We read the book, “The Shape of Things” which talked about how a shape is just a shape until you add details to turn it into something new! For example, “A square is just a square until you add a roof, two windows and a door, then it’s much, much more!!” Today we focused on rectangles. We went on a shape hunt around the room for rectangles! We charted attributes and examples! The students then took a rectangle and turned it into something new! I  will collect these shape pages this week and make a shapes book.

We went outside. (Lyrik)

We read a book about shapes. (Layla)

We did my Me Bag! (Evan)

We did Evan’s name cheer and we practiced writing his name. (Kate)

We read No David. We practiced reading the words and then reading the pictures. (James) We talked about 2 ways to read a book: Read the pictures or read the words. The students then practiced reading to themselves from their book boxes for 3 minutes! We are working on building our reading stamina!

Your student is welcome to bring one favorite book from home to keep in their book box to read during “Read to Self” time. You can send this in anytime! This does not have to be a book that they know how to read themselves just a book they love and enjoy!

You may hear your student talk about GoNoodle –a fun website we use to move throughout
our school day. Kids wiggle. GoNoodle gets the wiggles out, so we can keep on learning. GoNoodle gives us over 100 physical activity videos and games – including dancing, running, jumping, stretching, deep breathing, and more - and helps students channel their abundant energy. After we take a quick break with GoNoodle, we’re better able to focus on learning.
GoNoodle is great when:
 • we’re transitioning from one subject to another
 • we’re feeling stressed or anxious
 • we can’t sit still
 • we’ve had a great day and need a reward
GoNoodle can help energetic kids get their wiggles out anytime, and its free for parents, too.
In fact, I’d love for you to use GoNoodle at home and have fun with it as a family, because I
believe active, healthy kids make better students.
1.       Go to
2.      Click “Sign Up.”
3.      Sign up for a Home account and start GoNoodling!

Have a great night!