Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had a snack. We played on the playground. (JR)

Some kids played on the slide and some did the swings. (Jayden)

We did P.E. We played crab game. We played Indiana Jones and the Tower of Doom. The game gets harder and harder! (Sylus, Ginger, James)

We drew a picture of Andrew. (James)

We played a capital letter and lowercase letter matching game on the SmartBoard. (Kate)

We played with pattern blocks. (Lyrik)

We did my Me Bag. (Andrew)

We spelled Andrew’s name on the white boards. (Connor)

We ate lunch! Lunch choices were sloppy joes, pizza, or PBJ. (Kymiah)

Ms. Mielke our counselor came today. (Sophia)

We read the book Time for School. (Ginger) We got our book boxes today! This is where we will keep all our reading books this year.

We did the schedule. (Dylan)

Tomorrow night is Curriculum and Cookies night! This is a very informal open house for the Kindergarten families. It is a come and go event from 5-6:30 pm. We will have curriculum packets for each family. If you do not come to the event, I will send it home on Friday in your child’s folder. This is a time for your child to show you around the room, read the books from their book boxes, and for you to ask any question you may have about what we are doing this year! Oh yes…there will be cookies as well! J

See you tomorrow! Have a great night!