Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hi Parents!

For math today we had 2 popsicle sticks and we made an equal sign with them. We used the counters to make equal numbers on both sides. (Jesse)

We had art. In art we used clay. We made fish or dragons. (Lux)

We learned about animal teeth. (Ariel)

For read aloud we read Moose’s Loose Tooth. It was funny because the animals pulled the tooth and the elephant swallowed the tooth. (George)

Mrs. Wilson came. (Jackson) Mrs. Wilson shadowed me again today! She is so excited to work with the class! I am 5 days out from my due date. Mrs. Wilson will send home a daily email and send Class Dojo updates while I am away.

We switched math workstation partners. (Liam)

We had morning meeting. We wrote on our whiteboards. It was fun! (Evie)

We had counselor. We learned about safe and non-safe touches. We should report touches that are not safe. (Sarah) A note from the counselors is coming home today!

We did the schedule. (Caleb)

We did writing. We practiced telling our how to stories. (Ellen)

We did the weather and it was 45 degrees this morning. We went outside. (Cora)

Today was 115 days of school. (Leo)

We did Daily 5. (Presley)

We did whiteboards. We wrote the date. (Phoebe)

Have a wonderful evening!