Friday, February 22, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to art. We get to take home our pinch pots! (Xander and Aster)

James is the Cougar of the Month! We went to the assembly. (Caroline)

We had inside and outside recess. (Evalynn)

We did the calendar. (Abby)

We did writing. We did our symbols book. It was the bald eagle. (Hayden)

We went and saw the book fair. (Azayla)

We did word games. (James)

We did the thermometer. (Parker)

We had math. We sorted money. We did quarters, nickels, pennies, and dimes. (Aster)

We did Fundations. (Adalynn)

We did the vowel chart. (Maya)

We did the weather. (Abby)

We did Daily 5. (Xander)

We did a Pledge of Allegiance mini book. (Kent)

Henry was the teacher assistant. (Evalynn)

We did the pledge 2 times. (Caroline)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We did the date on the whiteboards. It is 2-22-19. (Aster)

In the folder you will find Lego Club information, a book fair preview, and some optional homework! PTC is next week so please make sure your day and time works well for you!

Here is the link to the Spring 2019 Book Fair Videos   The K-3 video is 11:54 and the 4-6 video is 12:13. 

I will put in the February book order on Thursday the 28th!

Have a wonderful weekend!