Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welcome 16-17 Kindergarten Parents!

I will use this site to communicate with you on a daily basis! At the end of each day I will have a closing meeting with the Kindergartners. The kids will reflect upon the day by telling about what they learned and what we did at school! I will make a blog post and email the meeting notes to you!

I also use a classroom Twitter (@hotchkissmce) to communicate with you! I love to post pictures of all the wonderful things we are doing in our classroom! Please follow our classroom Twitter for updates or view the posts on the right hand side of this site!

Check out the LINKS section for great children's educational sites, games, and resources!

Check out the OUR CLASSROOM tab for our daily schedule, Kindergarten Tidbits, our monthly specials schedule, and extra parent resources!

Learn all about me in the ABOUT MRS. HOTCHKISS tab!

Enjoy! Please watch for emails from VHotchkiss@cpsk12.org