Monday, December 14, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did our math game. We rolled 2 dice and counted the number in all. We covered the Gingerbread Man with the number. When you cover all the numbers you get to start over again. (Ginger)

We did x and y in our Fundations notebook. (Layla)

We did writing time. For writing time we wrote about our weekend. We did our best picture. Some people got to share their writing. (Mikayla)

We did our poem. Our poem was called “Santa”. Our word for this week is “is”. (Andrew)

We did our vowel chart, little cards, and our new letters are x and y. (Sylus)

Our special today was music. We played a button game. (Evan)

We did Daily 5. (Logan)

For morning job we did shadow writing about the Gingerbread Man. (Kate)

For snack time we read a book called The Animals’ Santa by Jan Brett. She uses a lot of detail. It was a fun book! (Sophia)

We did math. We did the 100 chart. We had to figure out the missing number. (Jayden)

This week is a holiday spirit week! Here is how your child can participate!
Tuesday: Crazy socks!
Wednesday: Ugly sweater
Thursday: PJ’s for Polar Express and hat day (if a parent would like to donate a can of hot cocoa mix or Styrofoam cups for this day please let me know by replying to this email!)
Friday: Red and green
Friday is also our Holiday party! You are welcome to join us in the classroom from 2:30-3 pm as the kids eat a special snack, do a craft, and participate in a book exchange (no siblings please)! For the book exchange, please have your child bring in a wrapped book by next Friday!

Have a great night!