Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today: 

We did writing.  For writing we used our mentor text for our How To books.  The mentor text that we read was called My First Soccer Game. (Kate and Adeline)

We did math workstations. We had partners. (Aidin and Zain)

We did closing meeting. (Emily)

We had music. After music we had snack. (Anna and Rilen)

We did read aloud.  For read aloud we read a book called Energy from the Sun.  (Lexi B)

We did Daily 5.  (Livi)

We did Fundations.  In Fundations we did tapping and did the white boards. (Cordae)

We did science.  For science we measured temperatures and learned about thermometers.  (Pritish)

We did quick eyes.  We used an arithmetic rack.  (Blair and Aidin)

Also because of the map testing this week the students will NOT be able to check out books during library time.  If you want them to check out a book they can, but it has to be before school starts at 8:20.  You do still need to bring back books from this week though, thanks.

Enjoy your day!

Chelsea Miller