Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!!

We are doing an experiment. We put eggs in vinegar, coffee, soda, and water. We want to see what will happen to the egg because it is kind of like our teeth. (Blair)

We read a book called Nice Try, Tooth Fairy. The girl wants to get her tooth back. (Kamri)

We had P.E. (Rilen)

We did writing. For writing, we did the second page of our book. We used the word “next” on this page. We used our plan sheet to help us remember what we did. We are working on being better writers. (Kate, Anna, Adeline, and Emily)

We did Fundations. We did wh and th. (Aidin)

Have a great night! Grade cards are coming home tonight. Please let me know if you have any questions! You do not need to sign or return the bottom portion to me. Thanks!