Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did art. We had art in the trailers. In art we got to make a rainbow elephant. (Livi, Adeline, and Anna)

We did Fundations. We did q and z. We got to sky write z and q on the SmartBoard. We echoed with Echo the Owl. (Lexie T., Kate, and Zain)

We did math workstations. (Aidin)

We read a book for read aloud called Bear Feels Sick. (Emily)

We went on Karma Wilsons website. She is the author of the Bear books. (Kamri)

We built a 10 tower. We got to walk around the classroom to see what was longer and shorter. (Blair)

We did writing workshop. We learned how to help ourselves when we get stuck or when we need help. (Lexi B.)

Ms. Glenn and Ms. S came today. (Kamri)

We did Daily 5. We made 2 choices. (Livi and Anna)

Some kids got new books in reading group. (Cordae)

We ate snack. We went to recess. (Kate)

Have a great night!!