Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hi Parents!

We are getting used to our routines and procedures! This is a very long day for our kiddos! They are working hard! Ask your child about what they look like and sound like at the learning rug!

Here is what we did today!

We went outside. (Lexie T.)

We read a book called Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill. (Anna) We talked about our Fire Drill that will be happening tomorrow morning! We practiced as a class walking to our safe spot outside.

We had the Back to School Assembly. (Blair) ParentLink has information about the Yo-Yo’s that were used during the NED show this morning! They are available to purchase!

We did music. (Brooke)

We had snack. (Emily)

We got to see Ms. Mielke. (Crimson) Our wonderful counselor came today! She will come every other week to do lessons about problem solving, friends, etc.

We went lunch. (Kate)

We did Anna’s Me Bag. (Livi)

We are still in need of a few supplies! Please sign up if you would like to donate to our classroom! You can send these items in with your child at any time! Thank you in advance!

Make sure to be checking my classroom website and Twitter for cool updates and links! We played a great SmartBoard games today after snack time! The games can be found on my “links” page. They loved the ABCya games!

Have a great night!