Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

We did math. We sorted dominoes from 2 to 12. And then we got groups and we had dominoes. We got cubes. We made towers with the cubes and we put the domino by the tower. Then we would use 2 different colors to build the tower. (Ginger and Sylus)

We did writing. We drew our picture for our final draft. We had a practice one and then we used it to help us with our final draft. We used markers. (Kate and Lyrik and Kymiah)

We did P.E. We had stations. We had 7 stations instead of 4 stations. We got to do all of them. She put on music for us. (Sophia)

We did our poem. We wrote 2 more lines. (Evan)

We had a creativity lesson. We made a book with stickers and other things. We used a brown paper bag for the book. (Andrew)

We did snack. Mrs. Hotchkiss read the book From Egg to Chicken. Mrs. Hotchkiss showed what was in the pretend eggs to show us what the chicks look like in the eggs right now. (Layla)

We did morning job. For morning job we sorted the words in the –un and –ug word families. (Sophia)

Tomorrow is the last day to turn in order forms for our class book! We will be finishing the final draft illustration and sending everything in to be published.

Thanks!! Have a great night!

Allison Tappana
