Monday, April 4, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

We did math. Since it was a long Spring Break we had to review rules for our game. And we also had a partner. We played Counters in a Cup with 6 cubes. (Ginger)

We started our chick book! We cut papers out and glued them on the front and inside the book. The eggs might come tomorrow. (Connor)

We learned our new poem. We had to write it. Some people got to come up and write the letters on the chart. It’s called The Chick. We wrote 1 line. (Kate and Evan)

We did Daily 5. (Logan)

We did writing. For writing we wrote Monday News. We wrote about what we did over the break. We got to choose anything from the break! Miss Tappana got to write what she did over her break too to help us remember how to do the writing after the long Spring Break. (Sophia)

We did snack. Mrs. Hotchkiss read about a lot of animals that lay eggs. Other animals can lay eggs. (Layla)

We did music. For music we threw our scarves and tried to catch them. We read a book in music and watched a movie about it. (Lyrik)

For Fundations we did words with ch. We made a list of words with ch. (JR)

·       The MCE Color Run Walk registration forms are due Wednesday! I attached the form to this email. It can also be found on the school website.

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break! Have a wonderful Monday evening!

Allison Tappana