Friday, April 22, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

We did sorting. We sorted recycling and we graphed it. Then we could see how much of each. Plastic had the most. Glass and aluminum had the same. After we graphed it on paper. (Mikayla)

We did Daily 5. (James)

We did P.E. For P.E. we played Pacman. We had to stay on the yellow lines on the blacktop. Then we had free play. (Kate)

We did writing. For writing we got to have a piece of paper and we made the Earth and we had to make it out of paper. There was our pledge on the left and the Earth on the right. We painted our hand and put it on top of the Earth for clouds. (Sophia and Andrew)

We read a book. It was called It’s Earth Day! It was Max’s birthday snack today! We got to pick 2 different kinds of snacks. There were gummies and Oreos. (Layla and Sylus)

We did Fundations. We learned about the short –u and long –u. (Kymiah)

Today we did our poem. We highlighted word wall words. (Ginger)

Please make sure to check your child’s folder for any important notes that went home!

Reading group books went home today so it would be great to have your child practice reading the books and using reading strategies!

REMINDER: Wednesday is an early release day! J

Have a great weekend!

Allison Tappana
