Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went outside. (Lux)

We made David headbands. (Jackson) We role played David making good choices at school!

We ate lunch. (Caleb)

We did Logan’s name poster and name cheer. (George and Logan)

We talked about the number 2. (Zellie)

We read David Goes to School. (Cora)

We played Count and Sit. (Presley) We practiced counting around the circle!

We did closing meeting. (Sarah)

We had snack. (Sophie)

We did morning buzz. (Leo)

We did the line rhyme. (Phoebe)

We went to music. (Evie)

We did math workstations. (Avie)

Some people got to pick from the prize box. (Jesse) Lots of kids earning 10 Class Dojo points lately!

We did GoNoodle. (Ellen)

We did sky writing. (Leo) We worked on letters n and m.

We did Logan’s name page. (Olivia)

We did Echo the Owl. (Cora)

Grandparent’s Day is tomorrow from 9-10 am!

October 18th is Fun Fest! Each class supplies a raffle basket. Our class raffle basket will be Crazy for Chocolate themed! Please send in donations by October 2nd! This could be anything from candy bars to hot cocoa mix to chocolate covered pretzels, you name it! Money earned from these baskets goes right back to our school! Please donate if you can!!

Have a great night!