Friday, September 20, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We got to meet our 3rd grade buddies! They brought a book to read to us. (Avie and Ellen) Pictures on Dojo!

We got to wear our jammies and bring our stuffed animals. (Leo)

We did an intruder drill. We practiced what to do if there is a bad person in the school. (Evie and George) We practiced running together out our back door. The kids had A LOT of questions. This might be good to discuss tonight. It is also very normal for kids to want to act out or play out these scenarios because that is how they process these things!

We did closing meeting. (Caleb)

We did library checkout! (Presley)

We read the book called How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? (Phoebe)

We played outside. (Logan)

We ate lunch. (Lux)

We did P.E. (Jackson)

We made our name books. (Sarah) They are in the folders! You might notice lots of improvement from the beginning of the year name until now with their writing and drawing! The names should be mostly in alphabetical order. They worked very hard on these books!

We did a project. We made a stoplight. (Avie)

In the folders you will find a fun and optional safety homework! You do not have to return this to school!

You will also find behavior reports. Please read these over and discuss with your kids this weekend. Try to think of these scores as 2/2 and anything beyond that as extra credit. A score of a 2 is the grade level expectation for this point of the year. I gave out mostly 2’s with a handful of 1’s and 3’s. I did not give out any 4’s. Please don’t be too discouraged by 1’s. The kids still need many reminders about expectations at this point in the year and that is very normal. I gave out 1’s to kids who need daily reminders. I gave 2’s to kids who needs some reminders during the week and 3’s to kids who need just a few reminders every so often. I have attached the power point from last night again. It might help if you have any questions. Please initial and write down any comments you may have on this form. Please return in the folder on Monday.

I will be leaving at 2:3o pm on Monday for a doctor’s appointment so there will not be closing meeting notes sent home that day.

Thank you!! Have a great weekend!